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Gotham 2x4,00mm SPK cable


Gotham AG Audio Cables

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Gotham  AG Audio Cables Gotham 2x4,00mm SPK cable photo 1
Views: 4505
Last update: 2008-01-27
| Photo 1 |

High flexible Speaker cable for power amplifiers up to 4000 watts. 224 strands of 0.15 mm bare cupper wires, fine stranding for best flexibility but still affordable price. Best cost effectiveness yet still very flexible construction. Easy apllication to most connectors. PVC strands do keep the cable construction round and stable.

Specifications > Cable > Gotham 2x4,00mm SPK cable
ManufacturerGotham AG Audio Cables
Model nameGotham 2x4,00mm SPK cable
Catalog No.50040
Terminating connectorsnone, sold per meter. Costum assemblies possible
Suggested retail price4.9 EURO
Product review URLhttp://www.gotham.ch/products_de/gac/gac/gaccables.htm#speak
Gotham 2x4,00mm SPK cable > Gotham AG Audio Cables

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