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Cables & Connectors > Diamond 4 > HiDiamond srl

Diamond 4


HiDiamond srl

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HiDiamond srl Diamond 4 photo 1
Views: 3249
Last update: 2011-07-25
| Photo 1 |

Diamond 4: New cable, new performances. we believe the better one produced like quality price of our new cables of power. Exclusive technology 4 VRC (4 times cooked copper - no other constructor uses this exclusive working), with new technology to variable geometry, new bananas. Aesthetic construction taken care of with the beautiful one and Spectacular Design designed by studio Ciobotaru Design with performances to the state of the art, impossible to have to this price.

Technical characteristics: External jacket mm. 13 ; Number of Cond. 8 ; Cond. Copper (4VRC); Capacity max. 87 Pf/m.; Conductor Resistance: 11,2 Ohm/km.

Specifications > Cable > Diamond 4
ManufacturerHiDiamond srl
Model nameDiamond 4
Diamond 4 > HiDiamond srl

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