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Qik Fix 5 Bracket


Krix Loudspeakers Pty Ltd

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Krix Loudspeakers Pty Ltd Qik Fix 5 Bracket photo 1
Views: 3862
Last update: 2008-06-04
| Photo 1 |

The Qik Fix 5 is a tilt adjustable loudspeaker bracket featuring glass reinforced nylon construction for strength and durability.

It is ideally suited to the Krix Brix loudspeaker, but may be attached to almost any loudspeaker weighing less than 5 kilos.

Specifications > Speakers > Qik Fix 5 Bracket
ManufacturerKrix Loudspeakers Pty Ltd
Model nameQik Fix 5 Bracket
Catalog No.Krix Accessories
Qik Fix 5 Bracket > Krix Loudspeakers Pty Ltd

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