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Whatmough SynergyII 5.1 System



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Whatmough Whatmough SynergyII 5.1 System photo 1
Views: 3232
Last update: 2008-01-01

This is the subwoofer of the SynergyII 5.1 system. A compact speaker system capable of delivering the performance of quality floor standing speakers. The sound quality is exceptional - even the audiophiles are surprised at the breakthrough performance we have achieved with this SynergyII 5.1 system. The state-of-the-art crossover network is a master piece of design. The meticulous attention to detail and 'noncompromise' approach that is the hallmark of the designer is clearly evident.

If you are a visual person, you'll love the discrete size of the SynergyII along with the elegant and contemporary styling. This contemporary speaker system delivers exceptional sound quality.

Specifications > Speakers > Whatmough SynergyII 5.1 System
Model nameWhatmough SynergyII 5.1 System
Catalog No.Whatmough SynergyII
Output powerto 200 Watts
Frequency responsefrom 22 Hz to 80 kHz
Bass and midrange1 x 10
Dimensions (Height/Width/Depth)33/37/35 cm
Weight25 kg
FinishPiano graphite or Piano ivory finish
Whatmough SynergyII 5.1 System > Whatmough

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