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High Performance HDMI Cable


Transparent Cable

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Transparent Cable High Performance HDMI Cable photo 1
Views: 8293
Last update: 2008-06-13
| Photo 1 |

Transparent High Performance HDMI Cable is designed to work effortlessly with the new digital video formats. HPHDMI maintains accurate digital signal transmission over much longer lengths than typical HDMI cables. With HPHDMI you will enjoy a cleaner, brighter picture with more vibrant, lifelike colors without the inline signal boosting or optical conversion that many HDMI cables require over long lengths.

Transparent's custom designed, gold plated HDMI connectors and termination techniques insure accurate digital signal transfer. This high performance precision manufactured cable has 2 shields - a 100 overage foil shield and a 90Aoverage oxygen free, high purity copper braided shield - to provide superior protection from outside interference. The copper conductors have greater surface area than typical HDMI cables which further aids digital transfer.

Specifications > Cable > High Performance HDMI Cable
ManufacturerTransparent Cable
Model nameHigh Performance HDMI Cable
Terminating connectorsGold plated HDMI, custom design
Suggested retail price250 USD
Product review URLhttp://www.transparentcable.com/news/professionals.php?modCAT=4
Product review URLhttp://www.transparentcable.com/news/awards_honors.php?modCAT=4
Manufacturer's product URLhttp://www.transparentcable.com/products/show_product.php?recID=44&perfID=2&catID=3&modCAT=1
High Performance HDMI Cable > Transparent Cable

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