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High Performance PowerLink Power Cord


Transparent Cable

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Transparent Cable High Performance PowerLink Power Cord photo 1
Views: 8899
Last update: 2008-03-27
| Photo 1 |

High Performance PowerLink fills a long-standing need in enthusiast home entertainment systems, where stock power cords are limiting the potential and performance of components.

High Performance PowerLink is loaded with quality features:
hefty, stranded 12 AWG copper wire
double shielding for noise rejection
molded plugs custom designed to ensure maximum current transfer
0.5, 1 and 2 meter lengths
streamlined visual design
High Performance PowerLink can make an amazing difference in the dynamic impact and musical performance of a home entertainment system. Given HPPL's modest retail price, a small investment can transform the personality and performance of a system when all of the stock cords are replaced with HPPL.

High Performance PowerLink comes standard in a 2-meter length, but other lengths are easily obtained via custom order. Although HPPL is rated for high current, it will still "play well with others" in the tight quarters behind most home entertainment systems.

Stock power cords have inad

Specifications > Cable > High Performance PowerLink Power Cord
ManufacturerTransparent Cable
Model nameHigh Performance PowerLink Power Cord
Terminating connectorsmolded plugs custom designed to ensure maximum current transfer
Suggested retail price90 USD
Product review URLhttp://www.transparentcable.com/news/professionals.php?modCAT=4
Manufacturer's product URLhttp://www.transparentcable.com/products/show_product.php?recID=57&catID=5&modCAT=1
High Performance PowerLink Power Cord > Transparent Cable

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